Well, that's sensational, isn't it? But I have your attention! Spoiler alert: nothing much happened.
the story: We've been working with an investigator I will call...
wait. Did I give her a pseudonym already? I soooo can't remember. Let's
call her Rachel. Because I like all the Rachels I've ever met, and I
LOOOOVE this lady! She has a son we'll call Scott, in honor of Scott
Shea, who continues to send me awesome letters!Anyway, we're at Rachel's house giving a lesson. She is so awesome and progressing, and reading, and she just has such faith. Before the lesson, Sister Harris and I had noticed the dark clouds gathering, so we called one of our leaders for the weather update, and she said all looked fine for the foreseeable future, so we went ahead with the lesson. Part way through, we suddenly hear this loud noise. I, being a bit dim, said, "Is that the tornado siren?" The ward member who came with us just calmly said, "Yep!" and so we all trekked down to the basement where we continued our lesson--on the Plan of Salvation! HA! "So, when the tornado comes and we die, do you know what will happen to your spirit?"
My solution to the piano playing problem: Never tell anyone you can play the piano.